Be part of The Hashevaynu Siyum Hashas. Join the Daf-A-Thon

Making a Siyum on all of Shas is a dream of all Jewish men. For some, this dream remains a dream, but by coming together we can make it a reality for all.
Hashevaynu invites all Jewish men to sign up to learn 10 Daf of Gemarah to join in the Hashevaynu Daf-A-Thon. We ask that each page that is learned be sponsored with a minimum of a $36 donation (with a minimum total of $360) that can be raised from your family and friends.
Please click on This Link to sign up on the Google Spread Sheet for the 10 dafim that you would like to learn. (Dafim are reserved on a first come, first served basis.)
Each page can be dedicated as a Zchus L’Eluy Nishmas a loved one, in honor of a birthday or an anniversary, or as a Zchus for a shidduch, parnassah, children or health.
Once you sign up we will send you a personalized fundraising webpage to send to your friends and family, to include them in the mitzvah. We will also send you a list of websites that have shiurim that may help you in completing your goal.
As soon as you sign up, we encourage you to begin learning your portion, so that you will have it completed in time for the Siyum Hashas.
At the culmination of this amazing project, there will be a beautiful Siyum Hashas in approximately three month’s time. Details about the Siyum to follow.
For any questions or Sponsorship Opportunities, please contact Rabbi Yehuda Zakutinsky at 646-591-7025 or
In the merit of this Siyum Hashas, may all of Hashem’s children return to Him.
Hashevaynu Hashem Eilechah, V’Nashuva……
Your friends at Hashevaynu