The Night After Tisha B’Av This Year

The strictures that were observed during the Nine Days apply to the night following Tisha B’Av and the next day until hallachic noon (Chatzos). Therefore, one does not wat meat, drink wine, launder clothes, take a haircut or take a hot shower etc. until chatzos the next day. (Shulchan Aruch 558:1 and Mishnah Berurah 3)

This year since Tisha B’Av fell on Shabbos and the fast was observed on Sunday (the Tenth of Av) one need not observe the strictures of the nine days on the night after the fast. Therefore, one may launder clothing, take a hot shower and take a hairtcut tonight (Sunday night). However, one should avoid meat and wine until midday tomorrow. (ibid.) Sefardim may eat meat and wine tonight (since the fast was postponed from Shabbos to Sunday) (Birchei Yosef 558:2)

Most authorities maintain that one may drink wine during Havdala, and according to those authorities the Havdala should be recited over wine. However, the Aruch Hashulchan (556:2) maintains that tonight one should make Havdala over chamar medina (beer, acc. to some milk, orange juice etc.)

Marriage During The “Three Weeks” And On Tisha B’Av

The custom of ashkenazic Jewry is not to get married during the three weeks between the seventeenth of Tamuz and Tisha B’Av. The sefardic custom is to permit weddings until Rosh Chodesh Av, but from Rosh Chodesh until after Tisha B’Av, it is prohibited. (Shulchan Aruch and Rama 501:1 and Yabia Omer 6:43)

Harav Ephraim Greenblatt zt”l (Rivevos Efraim 6:289) writes that it is prohibited for an ashkenazi to attend a wedding of a sefardic couple that takes place between the seventeenth of Tamuz and Rosh Chodesh Av. Contrastingly, Harav Moshe Shternbuch shlit”a (Teshuvos V’Hnahagos 4:128) disagrees and allows for ashenazim to attend sefardic weddings. A similar permissible view can also be found in the Sefer Netai Gavriel (Bein Hamitzarim 14:7), by Harav Gavriel Zinner shlit”a.

Harav Moshe Feinstein zt”l (Igros Moshe 1:168) writes that if necessary an ashkenazi may get married the night before the fast of the seventeenth of Tamuz. The prohibition against getting married would only begin on the morning of the fast.

However, Harav Shmuel Wosner zt”l disagrees and states that because he feels that the mourning period begins on the night of the seventeenth, therefore weddings are prohibited. The Tzitz Eliezer (10:26) also rules stringently. He wonders how Rav Moshe could omit the fact that many poskim, most notably the Chida, feel that the laws of the “Three Weeks” begin the night of the fast and therefore weddings should also be prohibited. He adds that one should not even get married during bein hashmashos of the night before the fast. Most authorities do not allow for weddings to take place the night of the seventeenth.

If the fast falls out on Shabbos and is delayed until Sunday (as was the case this year), one may not marry on Motzei Shabbos according to all authorities. Even though the fast is delayed until Sunday, the mourning period already begins on Shabbos. (Igros Moshe ibid.)

Reciting A Shehechiyanu When Performing A Mitzvah For The First Time

There is a very interesting hallachic topic regarding whether the Bar Mitzvah boy should recite Shehechiyanu upon wearing Tefillin for the first time. This is not exclusive for Tefillin, rather, the same question applies to any time one performs a mitzvah for the first time in his or her life (like when a married woman lights Shabbos candles after her wedding) does one recite the blessing of Shehechiyanu.

The Bracha of Shehechiyanu is recited as praise to Hashem whenever we experience a Simcha (happiness) which we haven’t experienced in a while. We recite it on Yom Tov and when performing a mitzvah that only happens once a year, such as when shaking the lulav and esrog and when blowing the shofar. We are so happy that we merited living one more year and performing these special mitzvos one more time, we immediately praise Hashem with this bracha. In addition, when one buys a new suit, a new home or eats a new fruit he is also very happy and recites the blessing of shehechiyanu. The question we will be discussing today is whether one recites a blessing upon performing a mitzvah for the first time in one’s life. On the one hand Tefillin are worn every day and are part of the routine of the Orthodox Jew and therefore one should not make a blessing of Shehechiyanu, even if he is wearing them for the first time in his life. On the other hand, Shehechiyanu is recited upon a joyous occasion and there are very few things more exciting then performing a mitzvah for the very first time.

The Rokeach (Siman 371) writes that anytime one is performing a mitzvah for the first time one should recite shehechiyanu. The Pri Chadash in Yoreh Deah Siman 28 note 5 explains, based upon the view of the Rokeach, that “anyone who wears Tzitzis or Tefillin or any mitzvah for the very first must recite Shehechiyanu.”

The great Ashkenazi posek, Rav Moshe Isserlis (Rama Y.D. 28:2), also rules in accordance with the Rokeach. There is a special mitzvah called “Kisuy Hadam” The Torah permits us to slaughter a kosher animal in order to derive nourishment from the animal. Nevertheless, its life force, its blood, must be respected and treated with dignity. Therefore, the Torah commands us to cover up the blood which is spilled when we slaughter fowl or kosher animals from the wild. The mitzvah of covering the blood is called “Kisuy Hadam”. The Rama writes that when one performs Kisuy Hadam for the first time he must recite the blessing of Shehechiyanu. This is exactly the same view of the Rokeach. The Sefer Toras Yekutial (60) also rules that a married woman should recite shehechiyanu when she lights candles for the first time.

See attached Hebrew note regarding a Bar Mitzvah boy who began wearing Tefillin before his Bar Mitzvah-

ועי’ בתבואות שור ס’ כ”ח דס”ל כהרמ”א דצריך לברך שהחיינו על כל מצוה שנעשית בפעם הראשונה בחייו, אבל דוקא אם הוא גדול כשהוא מקיים את המצוה בפעם הראשונה, אבל קטן שמקיים איזה מצוה בתורת חינוך לא, ואז אפילו כשהוא מקיים את המצוה אחר שנעשה בר מצוה אין לו לברך, שכבר נתחנך בה בקטנותו, וע”פ זה ביאר למה לשיטת הרבה פוסקים אין לברך שהחיינו על תפילין וציצית, ובפשטות זה דלא כהרוקח, אלא ס”ל להתבואות שור שגם הם מודים להרוקח והטעם שאין לברך שהחיינו בציצית ותפילין הוא משום שע”פ רוב הקטן ג”כ לובש ציצית ותפילין (היינו שלשים יום קודם הבר מצוה) בתורת חינוך, ע”ש. ושוב מצאתי בשו”ת בית היוצ”ר (סימן ד’) שהביא את דברי התבואות שור הנ”ל דהיכא שמעולם לא עשה את המצוה פשיטא דיש לברך שהחיינו ולא גרע ממצוה שהיא מזמן לזמן, והוסיף: “וא”כ כאן בתפילין לפי”מ דמסקי’ שלא לחנך את הקטן להניח תפילין עד לאחר שנעשה בן יג”ש וא”כ אז בודאי שפיר ראוי שיברך שהחיינו בפעם ראשון שמניחן דהא לא גרע ממצוה שהוא מזמן לזמן כדברי התב”ש הנ”ל”.

However, there are many poskim that disagree and rule that one should not recite the shehechiyanu when performing a mitzvah for the first time. They feel that shehechiyanu is only said on mitzvos that are rare and only occur once a year (like lulav and esrog). However, mitzvos that are very common do not evoke enough joy do require a blessing, even if one is performing them for the very first time. The meforshim exlplain that the Tur and Maran Rav Yosef Karo zt”l feel that one does not recite the blessing of shehechiyanu in this case and they disagree with the Rokeach.

שאיתא בתוספתא (ברכות פ”ו הט”ו): “העושה ציצית לעצמו אומר ברוך שהחיינו והגיענו לזה”ז, וכשהוא מתעטף אומר להתעטף בציצית, העושה תפילין לעצמו אומר ברוך שהחיינו והגיענו לזה”ז וכשהוא מניחן אומר אשר קדשנו להניח תפילין”. ועיין בטור או”ח ס’ כ”ב שכתב העושה ציצית לעצמו מברך שהחיינו. ובבית יוסף שם מבאר שמקור לדברי הטור הוא התוספתא הנ”ל. ושוב כתב הבית יוסף: “ויש לתמוה על רבינו שכתב גבי ציצית שמברך שהחיינו ולא כתב כן גבי תפילין ורבינו הגדול מהר”י אבוהב כתב דסבירא ליה לרבינו דלא קיימא לן כההיא תוספתא אלא אינו מברך שהחיינו אלא על מצוה שהיא מזמן לזמן כדמשמע ממה שכתב בהלכות פסח סימן תל”ב גבי ביעור חמץ ומשום הכי לא כתב בתפילין שיברך שהחיינו ומה שכתב בציצית שיברך שהחיינו אינו מטעם המצוה אלא מטעם קנה כלים חדשים וכן כתב בעל העיטור (שער שלישי ח”ב) וזה לשונו ציצית לא קביע ליה זמן ולא מברכין עליה שהחיינו ומסתברא לן בשעה שקנה טלית ועושה בו ציצית מחדש מברכין שהחיינו דלא גרע מכלים חדשים”. וכן פסק בשלחן ערוך סימן כ”ב: “שעל טלית חדשה מברך שהחיינו דלא גרע מקונה כלים חדשים”. ומבואר שהטור והשלחן ערוך סוברים דלא כהרוקח הנ”ל ואין לברך אלא על מצוות הבאות מזמן לזמן.

The Shach agrees (Y.D. 28:5) with the Shulchan Aruch and he notes that the common custom is not to recite shehechiyanu when wearing tefillin for the first time and not to recite shehechiyanu when we put up a mezuzah in our first home. This is also the view of the Pri Chadash and most Sefardic poskim. The Chida (Shiurei Brach Y.D. 200) writes that if you see someone who recites a blessing in this case one should stop them and correct them. And Maran Harav Ovadia Yosef zt”l (Yechava Daas 2:31) discusses this issue and he writes that one should not recite Shehechiyanu when one performs a mitzvah for the first time and if one does it is a “bracha shaeina tzericha”, meaning a unnecessary bracha which one is not allowed to say. The Mishnah Berurah (Biur Halacha 22) advises that when performing a mitzvah for the first time, one should preferably create a situation where a shehechiyanu needs to be made for another reason, such as for a new fruit or new clothing.

It seems that there is a third view, and that is the opinion of the Pri Toar (cited by the Chasam Sofer O.C. 55). The Pri Toar feels that one should not recite a bracha after performing every mitzvah for the first time like the Rokeach. Rather, only a bar mitzvah boy should recite the bracha. Why is this so? The answer is that when one becomes bar mitzvah and puts on Tefillin in addition to wearing Tefillin for the first time, he also is entering into a new stage in his life. He is now a full member of the Jewish people, able to help Am Yisroel perform mitzvos and become closer to Hashem. Entering that stage of one’s life brings enough joy to recite shehechiyanu. Therefore when one puts a mezuzah up for the first time in his life, the Pri Toar agrees that that is not joyous enough to warrant a shehechiyanu. But, upon wearing Tefillin and entering into the adult Jewish people one does recite a bracha. In conclusion, the best advice is to buy a new suit or eat a new fruit which definitely requires a bracha and have in mind the tefillin or mezuzah that one is performing for the first time.

Once again it is advised that when performing a mitzvah for the first time, one should preferably create a situation where a shehechiyanu needs to be made for another reason, such as for a new fruit or new clothing.